This is the legacy Tyokiie Offline Chinese Wikipedia Database App, an extension for the main article viewing and searching App - Tokiie, providing a database (part one of two) of 600,000 articles.
The entire Offline Chinese Wikipedia database contains 1,311,313 Wikipedia articles in total (as of April 19, 2014) including redirects; with it, the entire Chinese knowledge treasure trove is right in your palm; you can search and read without requiring connecting to the Internet at all, and the best of all is that your search records will be kept only to yourself, and no one would know what you search, what you read.
To ease your knowledge discovering, the main App - Tyokiie has a builtin full-text search engine. Simply with the keyword(s) you typing-in, relevant suggestions could be returned to you instantly.
Please note we are updating the way of getting databases from server, once it is completed, this database will be retired permanently.
To backup your legacy databases and index, please do the following:
* Go to the external / internal sdcard storage, and look for the "Tyokiie" directory
* Save the entire "Tyokiie" directory with "database" and "index" folders in it.
* Store the "Tyokiie" file archive to wherever you feel safe